Cultural Heritage Workshop

Virtual Discussion Event Zoom (1).png

The Heritage Management Organization and American Councils have been collaborating for more than a year in the delivery of the FLEX program in Greece by hosting the activities of the FLEX program in the country.

 On the 16th of November 2020, the two organizations, through the AC alumni office in Greece launched a new initiative to deliver a short workshop for students from seven countries on Cultural Heritage, discussing what is cultural heritage with students and how travelling and seeing the world from the eyes of others enriches our understanding of the world and our lives. During the workshop, the participants had the opportunity to think about their personal experiences that are part of their heritage and share them with others. This way they understood the way our lives are connected to our cultural backgrounds and how important it is to share it with people coming from different backgrounds.

The FLEX program creates unique opportunities for kids from around the world to spend a year in a host family in the US and live their lives, thus gaining a unique understanding of the world and learning more about themselves and their own backgrounds. The Heritage Management Organization empowers through training the caretakers of world's heritage to transform their assets from decaying objects of study into sustainable resources of education, local identity and economic development.


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